Sunday, April 08, 2007

The hazards of recording in stereo

I've been working on my latest project, "Getting Started Podcasting", which is a podcast "redux" of the presentation I did at WAM! last weekend. I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and record in stereo, to get a "richer" sound.

But I'm finding that the two channels are not precisely matched, which gives the sound file a slightly "off" feeling. I'm adjusting the right and left levels to bring them closer together, but it's added work. And I am really strapped for time.

Next episode, I'm recording in mono. Smaller files, easier to manage.

The time issue has really come front and center for me, lately. I have a full and rich life -- and I have, for some months, which is why I've "faded". Finding ways to record quickly and cut down on the production time is key.

Some of the tools I have to help me are:

An iRiver that records directly to MP3.
Words cannot express just how important this is -- if you're going to podcast as an individual on your own time (or as a pro with plenty of other things to do), you have to find a way to get your files to MP3 quickly and easily. Audacity is great, but it can be a huge time-sink, which can contribute to podfading.

My laptop which lets me import the sound file(s) and rename them in a few quick steps.

My new wireless connection, which lets me post my MP3s and updated podcast feed file(s) to the web without all the extra steps of walking the files from one computer to the next.

Certainly, the old way of doing things worked. When you have only one podcast to post, recording your audio and setting up the files on an un-connected machine is relatively straightforward. But if you have several, like me, time is of the essence, and you have to invest in some time-saving tools.

Like a portable MP3 recorder. Like a laptop. Like a decent internet connection.

For those who want to take their podcasting to the next level, you'll need 'em.

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